Friday, January 2, 2015

New Year Resolutions?

Hello friends!

I hope you had a wonderful New Year's Eve and an ever better, unforgettable and wonderful year 2014. I certainly had a very.. let's say... interesting, year. A lot of things happened, a lot of tears were shed, a lot of laughter was shared, so many memories were made. There were so many truly amazing moments and thinking back now, I wouldn't have done anything differently.
But now comes the hard part, doesn't it? Now's the time where we have to make up a list of our dreams and goals for this year to come. A list that we probably will have forgotten about in a few weeks, whose content we realise we will not be able to follow through and therefore we will try to deliberately pretend this list-writing never took place, ashamed of our inability to only once actually do what we have set our mind to.
Because I have experienced this very pattern for the last couple of years, I have decided to create a not-so-impossible-to-actually-go-through-with list for 2015. I sat down and decided to only write down things which I actually have control over, and which are only up to me to fulfill. I feel like a lot of people (including myself) always try to squish in everything they'd like to change about themselves or have done wrong the previous year and feel bad about into this notorious List of New Year's Resolutions, but never actually manage to achieve any of these goals.
This is why I have come up with a few general resolutions and goals which I'm sure many of you can relate to.

1. Stop trying to please everyone
You have to accept that not everybody will approve of what you do. But that's great, because you are an individual and you can make your own decisions and live the way you want to. And you will find the people who either like and do the same things, with whom you can share your lifestyle, or those who just accept your way of being and don't want to change you. If you have people around you, who are trying to destroy your dreams and make you become someone you don't want to be, even if it's family, stop letting them! You will never be able to do and be what they want you to because you have to live your own life, make your own experiences and mistakes and learn by yourself. And anybody who wants to deprive you of this, is wrong. That's what makes you, you. Don't let anyone take that away. Follow yourself and your dreams and do whatever it is that makes you happy! And most importantly : believe in it.

2. Stop worrying about your appearance
I'm just sick and tired of so many people seeking to be physically perfect. They go on diets and die their hair, they torment themselves and are constantly preoccupied with how they look. Stop. It. I can speak from experience, it's horrible. I used to always be unhappy with the way I looked, I didn't like my arms, my hips, my boobs, I always watched what I was eating and I was obsessed with losing weight and I told myself I wouldn't stop until I finally was 100% happy with my body. Well, guess what? That never happened. I did everything I could, I was down 13 kg and much happier, but there were still things that weren't good enough for me. No matter how much people told me how skinny I had gotten, how pretty I was, blah blah. I never really listened. At some point I got tired of it. I just couldn't mentally deal with all the pressure I put on myself anymore. And I just stopped. I just stopped with all the dieting, torture, insecurity and unhappiness. And I decided to be HAPPY. To eat whatever the heck I felt like eating, to surround myself with great people and to focus on the great things in life. And guess what? I haven't gained a pound ever since. As stupid as it may sound: happiness is the solution. When you're happy with yourself and your life and you have great people around you, you will also reflect that on the outside. You will appear much more vibrant, happy and beautiful. Stop worrying about the way you look. No body is perfect, no star, no YouTuber, no nothing. Everybody has their flaws and that's what makes us human and beautiful. Embrace yourself the way you are and accept and love yourself, only then will it be possible for others to do so.

3. Get rid of negative people who make you unhappy
I'm sure I'm not the only one when I say that I sometimes just remain friends or in contact with someone who just doesn't deserve it. Whether it is an ex, a friend, a family member, some people just aren't good for you. And that's completely normal. Not everybody will always be you friend, match your personality and appreciate who you are. People say that your family is the only thing you can't chose and don't have any impact on. Well, true that. But you still don't HAVE to be with them if they really harm you (in any way). There are also many ''friends'' who you might just consider as part of your life but don't really like or feel comfortable around. And that stupid ex, who always keeps coming into your life and tries to f*** everything up - JUST because it's in his nature? FORGET THEM.
We've had the part where not everybody will always be compatible with or match you. But there definitely are some few people out there who will fully and totally love and accept you the way you are and stick around. People who you feel comfortable around, who you can speak to about everything, who you would take a bullet for. Of course there will be fights in any kind of relationship, but you will know when the people who you're willing to go through thick and thin for are in your life. No-one can tell you when you will find them, and you will definitely go through some shitty experiences and suffer until then, but once you realise you are not happy with the people who surround you, you have to erase them from your life. Only then, there will be space for the really epic ones to come. All in all, what I'm trying to say is : surround yourself with people who make you laugh, accept you the way you are and give you the feeling that you're respected and appreciated. Anyone who doesn't do these things - forget them. Friends are the most important thing in the world. Because no matter what kind of love relationship you're in, in the end, they're the once who will be there.

So these are my 3 points which I decided to take up for this year. I have chosen these 3 because I feel like they are the basis for everything in life. To be happy with and love yourself, to be surrounded by amazing people who make you happy and to accept that this is your life and your chance to fulfill your dreams, are the most important things in life. And it's fully up to you to achieve these 3 goals. All the other things like school, work, career, etc. are things which are a part of your society and culture and just part of certain periods in your life. You do also have an impact on these things, but they don't have all so much to do with you, your personality and your happiness.


Sunday, November 30, 2014


HI guys!
So I've been sat here in my bed on my computer determined to write this long-due blogpost. I'm sorry I haven't posted anything the last few weeks I've just been on and about with school and life..
In this post I have decided to share some beautiful quotes on love and life which I hope will cheer you up if you are in a kind of bad mood or just put a smile on your face. These words have very much built me up during rough times. I think that sometimes you just need a little reminder and some nice words to bring back the positiveness and stay strong.

''Behind every beautiful girl there is a guy who did her wrong and made her strong''

''Its like she had a soul too big for her ; it filled her to the brim till there was no more space, so it flowed out through her eyes'' - Nick Lake

''But she had that laugh, and the sound of it was so beautiful, that when you heard it, it was as if your eyes saw her through your ears and she was transformed.'' - Diane Setterfield

''It was rather beautiful : the way she put her insecurities to sleep. The way she dove into her eyes and starved all the fears and tasted all the dreams she kept coiled beneath her bones'' - Christopher Poindexter

''The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes that she wears, the figure that she carries or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman must be seen from her eyes because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides.'' - Audrey Hepburn

''Beauty is not in the face, it is a light in the heart'' - Khalil Gibran

''She is delightfully chaotic ; a beautiful mess. Loving her is a splendid adventure'' - Steve Maraboli

''He found her most beautiful not when she was all fancied up but when she wasn't. When she wasn't trying to impress anyone and she had taken down all the walls she had built for most people. That's when he couldn't take his eyes off her''

YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. Don't let anybody tell you any other way. Because there is no definition of beauty and everybody is beautiful in his and her own way.
When somebody hurts you or breaks your heart or you go through a bad break up, always see it as a lesson. It taught you to be strong, to get through it, to move on and to realize what you do not want and that you deserve more. As hard as it is, and trust me, I know, don't ever settle for less. For less than you deserve. Because you will end up consuming yourself for something you cannot change. It's not anybodies fault. You cannot demand things you need from someone who doesn't have anywhere to take them from. Some people are just not compatible. But THERE IS a right person for you. But to find him/her to need to let go of the person who cannot give you what you need/want. I believe that for each life-phase we have one love. I believe that because people change. And it is very likely that you just simply don't get along with the person you thought your will marry anymore after a few years. But that is normal. And the next love will come.
I for example had my first boyfriend when I was 14. We broke up a few months ago after almost 3 years. Of course it hurt and of course there where times when I thought my chest was going to explode. But I still knew that I didn't want to go back to him. Because we had both changed. It is hard to find the person you will spend the rest of your life with at such a young age. Because the probability that you two will change in a way you still fit to one another in this phase of so much transition is very unlikely. This is what happened to us. We both wanted different things from life and we just didn't like the person the other one had become. We fit together 3 years ago but now we don't anymore. Although it hurt and we both miss the company and the habit of being together, we had to accept it. Of course I still love him, he was my first and I will never forget him. But I had to open my eyes and realize this was the best for myself. I took many wonderful memories out of the relationship but I'm so young and there is so much more to come. So I decided to stay strong and enjoy the next chapter of my life.
If you are having similar problems or thoughts, I hope this helped you. Just remember that everything happens for a reason and nothing is ever as bad as it may seem. Stay strong.
I love you.

I decided to start a youtube channel and I uploaded my first video yesterday. Check it out if you like :)

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Fall inspired Haul

As the weather is getting colder and colder and the official start of Fall was a few days ago, I was inspired to do a haul showing you guys some bits and pieces that I have picked  up over the past couple of weeks. 
Hope you enjoy!