Sunday, July 27, 2014

Exciting update and future plans!

Hi everyone!
Thanks so much for stopping by!

Now, I have bad and good news. I will start with the bad ones first: 

So for the people that have read my last blog post, I announced that I would be getting something really cool in the mail. 
Well, change of plans. 
Yes, it would have been a camera! But unfortunately something went horribly wrong and I will not be able to receive it until August. I cannot tell you how frustrated and disappointed I was - honestly. I nearly cried.

Now on to the fun and exciting part:

Despite the bad news I have decided to make the best of it and still carry on with my blogging plans and take pictures with my phone camera.

And now that it's almost August already and I only have one week of my summer job left, I decided to share with you some exciting news!

As it just so happens that I’m going to be travelling quite a bit this summer, I have decided to let you guys keep track of my journeys and do travel-blogs!

I’m not telling you where I’m going to be going just yet, but trust me – it’s going to be EPIC.
There’s gonna be tons to see and discover and loads of things to take pictures of. I’m going to be visiting 2 very cool places I have never been to before and am SO excited to see and I’m going to be documenting my trips completely for you guys! 
My plan is to post a blog every day about what I did, what I wore, what I ate, etc. 

Please note that I have never done anything like this before, so if you have any tips I would greatly appreciate it. Also if you have any desires for things I should write about or show you, please do tell me. I would love to also answer some of your questions!

If you want to discover more about me and follow me throughout the summer you can also keep track of my blogs on bloglovin’! (see links)
For more advanced stalking or if you simply don’t want to read as much you can also follow me on Instagram and Twitter! (see links aswell)

I'm going to be posting one or two more blogs in July and the travel-blogs will be starting in August – stay tuned! 

Friday, July 11, 2014

Important and harsh words...

So for my first blog entry, I would like to write about something that, I feel, has to be adressed urgently.
As many of you probably, I am at a stage of my life where I have to make a big decision.
I can either go to university and study, or do something, anything, else (which would result in an apocalypse).


I was raised in a quite conservative way concerning school.

School was always the most important thing - top priority. 
My entire life I heard :  
''Why didn't u get a better grade?''
''Why don't you try harder? Your grades have to be good!''


Because I don't want to.

(outraged gasp)

What if I told you that my grades do not reflect my intelligence?

My social status will not rise if I score full points on a test and I am definitely not dumb because I don't have straight A's.
Grades are just another method of creating competition between people.
How much you know and how smart you are does NOT depend on school grades.
The things you are interested in and want to know about will be the ones you will remember.
Everyone is smarter than someone else at some point - in some area of knowledge.

The life-concept of most of the people that surround me, is the following:

When you turn 6, you will start going to school. You'll do that for 12 years and then go to University for some more school. After having spent at least 18 years of your life ''learning'' , you will - completely exhausted and probably not significantly more intelligent than someone who did not spend $40.000/year for college - start a 9-to-5 job that will quiet certainly extract every bit of joy and hapiness you have left inside of you.

You'll end up having spent you're entire life doing what you were supposed to do and what was expected from you. You will have lived a life with the same routine every day and you will not have properly lived or enjoyed it, nor created any worthy memories.

At some point you'll die, of course, and - if you wake up from this trance that you call your ''mentality'' or ''morals'' (happens about 2% of the time) - probably regret every second of how you spent your life. But it's to late to change that now, so BAM. You're dead.

Oh, one more thing: The depts of the money that you had to take up to get super-smart in college which you've been trying to pay off your entire life without success will be left to your kids.

Good job.


This exactly is why I think:

I do not HAVE to do anything.

Nobody can tell me what's right and what's wrong because (at least for now) we are INDIVIDUALS and what's right and wrong to me, could be different to what's right and wrong to you.
I can do whatever I wish to do with my life. I am free to decide the way I'm going to live it. I am not below anyone or stupid just because I don't want to earn a living by sitting in an office for 10 hours every day for the rest of my life. This does not make me a bad person. It does not mean that I live my life ''the wrong way''.
It just means that I don't want to let social pressure and morals of people other than myself decide how my life is going to be.
MY life means that I have to live it.

Sometimes i feel like we live in a world full of idiot robots. (no offense)

No-one can justify why they do what they do and believe what they believe. Why this is ''right'' or ''what people do''.

Nobody thinks individually or decides for themselves.
Of course it's easier to just take over an opinion instead of building one's own, but it's a waste of what we are.
We have the freedom to make our own decicions about our life and I believe that everybody should take a grand use of that.


This is a personal blog post.

I have written down my own thoughts and my own point of view and I DO NOT mean to offend anyone in any way.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Welcome to my blog!

My name is Lilly. I have decided to start a blog because I feel like I have a lot of things on my mind that I want to put down and share with the world.

My opinions may sometimes not be usual or agreeable on, but that's exactly why I want to speak my mind and show people a way of thinking that might even change their point of view a little bit.

My main goal is to offer you something fun to read and let you discover extracts of my life, but I also here-and-then want to share my thoughts about serious issues and topics.

Thank you so much for reading and I hope you'll enjoy!
